our services
AWWL offers services in the following key water utility improvement areas:
i. Water Utility Performance Improvement
Commercial Viability Assessment of Rural and Urban Water Projects
Water Institution & Organization Strengthening
NRW (leakage and apparent water loss) management
Operations and Maintenance Improvement
and Revenue Improvement
Water Sector Data Management Improvement
Training and Capacity Building
Operations and Maintenance Improvement
Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Services Design and implementation
Strategic Plan Preparation and Mid-Term Review
Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Review
ii. Integrated Water Resources Management
Assessing the Enabling Environment
Assessing status of Source Water Protection including funding mechanisms
Water Resource Green Infrastructure Development.
Feasibility Studies for River Restoration Projects
Water Resource Grey Infrastructure development
iii. Water Supply Design and Construction Supervision
Detailed Feasibility studies for Water Supply and Sanitation Systems
Engineering Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems
Water Resources Management and Infrastructure development
Water Resources Management Infrastructure development
Stormwater drainage designs
iv. Energy Systems Design and Management
Energy Consumption Audits
Energy Performance Improvement
Green Energy Cost Benefit Analysis and Solutions