our services

AWWL offers services in the following key water utility improvement areas:

     i.        Water Utility Performance Improvement

*      Commercial Viability Assessment of Rural and Urban Water Projects

*      Water Institution & Organization Strengthening

*      NRW (leakage and apparent water loss) management

*      Operations and Maintenance Improvement

*      Billing and Revenue Improvement

*      Water Sector Data Management Improvement

*      Training and Capacity Building

*      Operations and Maintenance Improvement

*      Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Services Design and implementation 

*      Strategic Plan Preparation and Mid-Term Review

*      Water and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Review

    ii.        Integrated Water Resources Management

*      Assessing the Enabling Environment

*      Assessing status of Source Water Protection including funding mechanisms

*      Water Resource Green Infrastructure Development.

*      Feasibility Studies for River Restoration Projects

*      Water Resource Grey Infrastructure development

   iii.        Water Supply Design and Construction Supervision

*      Detailed Feasibility studies for Water Supply and Sanitation Systems

*      Engineering Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems

*      Water Resources Management and Infrastructure development

*      Water Resources Management Infrastructure development

*      Stormwater drainage designs

   iv.        Energy Systems Design and Management

*     Energy Consumption Audits

*     Energy Performance Improvement

*     Green Energy Cost Benefit Analysis and Solutions